Direct Selling Vs Network Marketing: Key Difference

Direct sales is a distribution and marketing strategy that involves selling goods and services through a network of individual dealers or members. Rather than opening a retail store, manufacturers usually partake in personal sales. Many direct distribution firms, though not all, use a multi level marketing model that allows salespeople to hire and train new distributors.

They are also highly successful businesses. In 2017, the six firms listed above, which are six of the world's largest direct sales companies, earned $27.3 billion. In this post, we will have a look at what exactly is direct sales and network marketing along with the direct selling software and network marketing software that is used to manage businesses.

What exactly are Direct Sales?

Online sales, also known as direct marketing, is a form of delivery that focuses on individual salespeople who offer goods and services to customers directly outside of a conventional store environment. Direct selling software is deployed to manage a direct selling business.

Unlike salaried or commissioned salespeople who are paid by a corporation to advertise goods in a shop or on the internet, these members are self-employed and must purchase their marketing materials and samples, set their schedules, and pay income tax directly to the state and federal revenue authorities. 

Representatives are paid a fee that is calculated by direct selling software and is based on the price of the goods and services they sell. A retailer or wholesaler sells goods to a physical store or an e-commerce firm, who then resells the merchandise to the final buyer in typical retail sales. Representatives in direct sales companies backed by direct selling software do not sell from a retail store, but they have pages where they sell their goods and services or draw sales prospects.

Intricacies of Multi-level Marketing

MLM, or multilevel marketing backed by a network marketing software, is a variant of the direct sales approach that includes representative recruiting and preparation of other officials. When an individual agent hires another salesperson, the recruiter will be paid a fee on the sales of that salesperson as well as any members hired by the new team member. 

Depending on how an organization's marketing strategy is structured, a recruiter may be able to receive commissions calculated using a network marketing software on different tiers of applicants. 

MLM salespeople are thus forced to deliver goods directly to end-user retail customers by partnership referrals and word-of-mouth promotions, however, they are often incentivized to hire others to enter the company's delivery network as fellow salespeople such that they can become down line distributors. 

According to a study released on the Federal Trade Commission's website that examined the corporate strategies of 350 MLMs in the United States, at least 99 percent of individuals who join MLM firms lose money. Although there is no mention of whether these individuals joined businesses backed by network marketing software.

Differences Between Multi-level Marketing & Direct Sales

Direct sales is a business concept in which individual contractors (or agents or distributors) market a company's goods and/or services to customers directly. They can accomplish this by door-to-door sales, the internet, or hosting parties in their homes. There is no set store spot, but many direct sellers operate from home. The same can be said for multi-level marketing as well, albeit, with a few differences.

It, too, is a business model in which private contractors market a company's goods and/or services to customers directly. The distinction is that in the MLM business model, individual workers will still profit from hiring others to work for the organization.

The decision between direct sales and network marketing (another term for MLM) is based on the incentive package offered by the direct sales business. Any direct sales firms only allow members to receive a profit on goods sold. Others have a multi-tiered incentive scheme that requires salespeople to collect commissions on the sales of the representatives they hire.

So, if you work for an MLM business, you make money not just from your sales, but also from the sales of your recruits and recruitment of your recruits – your downline. Many direct sales firms, like the aforementioned Amway and Avon, are MLM companies. If you're thinking about working with a direct sales business, you can see the benefit; it's a brand new income source that will significantly boost your earnings.


The benefits of direct sales are difficult to ignore, particularly for people who wish to work flexible hours. If you're thinking about starting an MLM company, keep in mind that developing a downline takes time, and it can take a long time to earn a decent living. That is, if you are looking for a company that can make a living for your family on its own, this is not it, at least not for the years it will take to "climb the ranks."
